• Lina Shenderivska National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Olga Guk National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Hanna Mokhonko National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Keywords: publishing, war, Covid-19 pandemic, business model Canvas, Freemium, collaboration, dropshipping, “yePidtrymka”


Publishing fulfills an important social mission, protects the Ukrainian language and culture from destruction, promotes humanism and moral values, and multiplies knowledge. And now, in the extremely difficult conditions of the war and the Covid-19 pandemic, when the subjects of the publishing business of Ukraine are trying to perform social functions as much as possible, the task of preserving business and achieving cost recovery is urgent. And this requires the study of effective business models that balance the performance of economic and social functions. The article examines the specific manifestations of the crisis in the publishing business - a small market size, due to the specifics of the product and insufficient attention to the promotion of reading; insignificant growth potential of the market, if we take into account the reduction of the population of Ukraine; shortage of investment resources. First of all, the business models of leading publishing houses are analyzed. The development of business models of publishing houses during the war and the Covid-19 pandemic is studied in accordance with the periodization method. The spread of the Freemium business model, which helps to balance the performance of social and economic functions, as well as the Long Tail model, which allows to meet to more effectively the demands of readers, while minimizing the risks of publishers are determined. There has been a greater use of diversification, primarily due to the development of digital technologies and limited access to the channels of sale of printed publications during the war and lockdown. The development of collaboration of publishing houses at the intra-industry, inter-industry, international levels is identified. The international collaboration has significant potential, as readers around the world now need content about Ukrainians in Ukraine and around the world, objective information about the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine, cooperation between states to help the Ukrainian nation and protect against military aggression. The principles of state support of publishing entities in Ukraine have been determined. It must be consistent and comprehensive, prompt and progressive, aimed at respecting freedom of speech, the priority of the Ukrainian language, preventing the destruction of the country's sovereignty. The properties of intellectual capital, which is significantly formed and developed by reading literature, are outlined.


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How to Cite
Shenderivska, L., Guk, O., & Mokhonko, H. (2022). TRANSFORMATION OF BUSINESS MODELS OF PUBLISHING HOUSE IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR AND PANDEMIC. Economic Scope, (179), 79-85.