Keywords: fractal organization of business, vertical integration, IDEF0-model, information flows, information support, information network, projection of information systems, degree of protection of information systems


Fractally organized vertically integrated formations prove one of the main types of vertically integrated business formations which involve agribusiness subjects, thus making it possible to preserve the independence in decision making and self-sufficiency of the corporation members. These formations cover the participants of the chain of creating the agroindustrial produce surplus value. Among the key peculiarities of functioning of such corporations one can single out a high level of the information support and an equal access of their members to the imperative data. The research is aimed at substantiating the peculiarities of the information support, as well as at organizing the network interaction among the participants of vertically integrated formations of the fractal type in agribusiness. The overwhelming majority of the investigations related to the problem of business fractal organization refer to the industrial sector, at the same time, it is the agrarian sector that, on the one hand, acquires all characteristic features of the up-to-date formations possessing the characters of the fractal type business formations, and, on the other hand, they make it possible to ensure the positive effects that are inherent to this very form of business organization. As concerns the problem of the information support within the framework of vertically organized agrarian business systems, they haven't been practically investigated, mostly due to the specificity of organizing the network interaction among the participants of vertically integrated formations of the fractal type in agribusiness. The research under study highlights the analysis of business processes within the framework of fractally organized vertically integrated formations. The corresponding functional models are developed. On the basis of the key principles of the systems analysis the author identifies the information flows for every single corporation participant. The author also develops the diagram of the information network of the fractal corporation in accordance with the basic criteria of assessing the degree of protection of the information of computer-based systems. The scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying business processes in the activities of vertically integrated corporations of the fractal type which are unique for Ukraine. The above processes determine the specific characters of their participants' information support. The results obtained serve as the foundation for the further projection and development of the information system of fractally organized agrarian business formations which provide for the maximum efficiency and competitiveness of all participants of the agrarian pro-duce foodstuff chain.


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