Keywords: natural resources, man-made deposits, investments, pricing of natural raw materials, enterprises


Today, the key issue is to ensure the sustainable development of regions that have a monostructural nature of the economy of the old industrial mining regions. Most enterprises in these regions are in decline and have a relatively low level of technological development, which leads to the loss of their competitive advantage. The article evaluates the effectiveness of measures to increase production activities through the disposal of man-made deposits that are carried out not only for the benefit of enterprises that generated this waste, but other stakeholders. An analysis of the current activities of enterprises in foreign countries and the possibilities of applying their positive experience in the use of rock waste by domestic enterprises. The advantages of manufacturing products from mining wastes are determined. An approach is proposed to determine the investment attractiveness of coal mining projects. These approaches allow us to determine the investment attractiveness of coal mining projects, which can be a determining factor in financing the environmental and social needs not only of the region but also of the entire economy of Ukraine. The most important aspects of attractiveness are the production of waste products, which provides low costs for mineral extraction, adjusting the price according to the content of useful components and harmful impurities, synergistic effect of combining elements of the production system, monopoly nature of the product, preferential taxation. Based on the analysis of the cost of five coal heaps of mines of Lvivugol, the conditions under which high (about 65%) profitability of mine waste disposal projects can be achieved have been established. In the case of the project implemented by the current owner of the landfill - a coal mine, due to environmental and social factors, the cost of landfills increases from 22 to 48 million UAH, and the state receives the greatest social and environmental effects. The conclusion about the directions of production activity of the enterprise for the purpose of increase of its investment attractiveness of the project of utilization of waste heaps is substantiated. The economic and social factors that need to be taken into account when calculating the amount of future capital investment of the enterprise for the project of natural resources utilization. obtaining a license to operate rock dumps as a man-made deposit.


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How to Cite
Vagonova, O., & Chornobayev, V. (2022). EXPLOITATION OF TECHNOGENIC DEPOSITS AS A DIRECTION OF INCREASING ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (179), 44-49. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/179-7