Keywords: bank, risk identification, risk management system, risk strategy, tools


The crisis in the financial system over the past year has shown that the functions of risk management in banks have not been given sufficient attention, which has jeopardized the efficiency of the entire banking sector. Banking risk management is a process by which a bank identifies risks, assesses their magnitude, monitors them and controls its risk positions, and also takes into account the relationship between different categories of risks. Such tasks should be solved by the banking system of Ukraine in the current conditions of the country's strategic orientation towards joining European structures. The purpose of the article is the features of the risk management system in the banking sector. Methods: general scientific and special research methods, in particular: scientific abstraction, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and comparison - for the study of the conceptual apparatus; theoretical generalization and grouping - to study the risks of banking and their classification features; structural analysis - to identify tools for managing banking risks; system analysis - to streamline the organization of the banking risk management process; abstract-logical - for theoretical generalization, formation of conclusions and development of proposals for improving the management of banking risks. The article highlights the essence and components of risk management systems, as well as the content of the main types of banking risks. Risks that have a negative impact on the performance of depositors, creditors and customers of the bank are analyzed. It is proven that in case the identified risks are significant, the bank reviews the risk management system to identify, assess, monitor, report, control and mitigate these risks to determine the amount of capital needed to cover all significant risks inherent in the bank's activities. The key strategic risks of the bank are substantiated and measures to reduce them are proposed. After all, a quality risk management system serves not only the interests of shareholders and management, but also ensures the establishment of reliable and long-term relationships with customers and will form a favorable image of the bank.


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How to Cite
Dobrovolska , E., & Pokotylska , N. (2022). FEATURES OF THE RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economic Scope, (179), 31-36. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/179-5