Features of development and state regulation of the market of banking services of Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization

Keywords: banking system, neobanks, cryptocurrency, blockchain, state regulation of the banking services market, digitalization


The article considers modern features of digitalization of the banking sector and a relatively new market - cryptocurrency. The specifics of the banking sector in the digital economy and the main problems that arise in the process of their activities are analyzed. The first fully implemented startup in the neobank industry is the Monobank project - a striking example of a virtual bank that is not a bank associated with the traditional format. It is proved that the emergence of neo-banks as a new form of banking is associated with the significant development of Internet technologies. The relatively new cryptocurrency market is of great interest for research in the current context of financial innovation in payment services. Cryptocurrency poses a challenge to Ukraine's financial system, as both the central bank and other government regulators cannot control its issuance and circulation. They show the dynamics of capitalization of the cryptocurrency market, where bitcoin predominates. Banks play a significant role in the functioning and sustainable development of the economy, so they must constantly implement the latest advances in scientific and technological progress in their daily activities. Ukraine's banking system in the context of digitalization should develop not only to maintain international competitiveness, but also in order not to lose the most important organizational and economic ties with the global financial market. In recent years, the Ukrainian banking sector has made significant progress in implementing reforms and laying the foundations for a more secure future. Improving banking performance can contribute to a stronger and more productive national economy. Measures to increase productivity in banking can also improve transparency, reduce informality and increase access to capital for businesses and individuals. Digital technology has radically changed all financial relations in society. Digital banking services, widespread online platforms and digital channels of communication with customers require an approach to assessing the digitalization of banks, strategic determination of competitiveness, strengths and weaknesses of the bank. The development of digital banking is a way to economic transparency, reduce trends and increase tax revenues.


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How to Cite
Reverchuk, S., & Tvorydlo, O. (2022). Features of development and state regulation of the market of banking services of Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization. Economic Scope, (179), 12-18. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/179-2