Keywords: tax administration, electronic administration, taxes, tax system, electronic office of the taxpayer, State Tax Service


The purpose of the article is to present the results of the study of organizational principles of e-administration as an element of the tax administration system. The budget deficit against the background of the crisis in the economy determines the need for active search for tools to increase budget revenues. One of them is tax administration. The article shows how a high level of information technology allows the tax service to solve the problem of justification of VAT refunds from the budget by switching to electronic administration of tax invoices and VAT returns. The main goals of the electronic reform of VAT collection in Ukraine are to restore justice in the tax process: elimination of fictitious suppliers, destruction of "tax pits", "scrolls", conversion centres, "optimizers", combating tax evasion by improving administration, eliminating corruption, elimination of administrative pressure from tax authorities, simplification of administration and payment of VAT, etc. It is proved that digital transformations in taxation first stimulate transparency of taxation procedures. It is determined that the efforts of digital transformation lead to tangible results – there is an increase in tax revenues. The natural result of increasing the level of digital maturity is the transformation of tax authorities and businesses into an adaptive digital platform. This will minimize the administrative burden: for conscientious taxpayers, tax obligations will be met as part of their business processes, and control and supervision activities will focus only on potential violators or those outside the platform. The system of VAT administration has been studied directly: automatic accounting of VAT paid by taxpayers, automatic free opening of accounts for taxpayers in the bank, compilation of all tax invoices is done electronically, as well as their registration in a single electronic register of tax invoices. The main problems of the organization of the tax administration system in Ukraine are pointed out and the ways to increase its efficiency are outlined.


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How to Cite
Lagodiienko, N., Skliar, L., & Stepanenko, S. (2022). ELECTRONIC ADMINISTRATION OF TAXES AS A MEANS OF INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF THEIR PAYMENT. Economic Scope, (178), 78-82. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/178-13