Keywords: accounting, integrated reporting, international standards, financial reporting, analysis, financial results, reporting indicators, agriculture, users of information


The article considers the problem of increasing profitability in agricultural enterprises through the prism of the introduction of integrated financial reporting and operational control over the formation of financial performance indicators at the stage of production. The main stages of its formation are determined and the method of reporting is proposed. An analysis of the main approaches and principles of integrated reporting. Its constituent elements are presented and the essence of reporting indicators on the basis of which the management makes the corresponding administrative decisions is opened. The main problems and prerequisites for compiling integrated reporting by domestic enterprises are revealed. Features of improvement of the organization of drawing up of the given reporting by the enterprises are considered. In today's dynamic world, there have been changes in the conditions of activity and doing business. Such changes are due to globalization; growing demands for "transparency" of company reporting; environmental problems. Hence, reporting should not only show the operational, financial and investment activities of the enterprise, but also summarize information on current issues of social, economic, environmental and managerial importance. The use of economic levers to regulate agricultural production is possible provided that all factors of its efficiency are fully taken into account.In this aspect, the importance of information on the state of development of the industry is indisputable, because only on the basis of its comprehensive interpretation and analytical thinking can develop and apply reasonable measures to further direct the activities of agricultural producers to improve its economic efficiency. One way to expand information mechanisms is to introduce an integrated reporting model in business, which covers not only information about the company's financial performance, but also contains additional explanations and justifications, summarized in the form of non-financial indicators for social, environmental and strategic activities.


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