Keywords: entrepreneurship, globalization of the economy, business entities, indicator of ease of doing business


The article examines the interpretation of the concept of globalization of the economy. In the economy, globalization is manifested primarily in the fact that: increasing the absolute and relative level of world trade in goods and services, as well as the movement of capital and labor; there is a merger of markets, organizations and production chains; countries' economic borders are becoming increasingly transparent. It is revealed that the current state of business development in Ukraine in the context of economic globalization is characterized by tendencies to increase the importance of the external environment, which is decisive in comparison with the internal business environment. The positive dynamics of the indicator of ease of doing business in Ukraine according to the World Bank study was noted. The dynamics of the main indicators of enterprises in 2016-2020 has been analyzed, in particular, the number of operating entities, the number of employees, staff costs, sales of products (goods, services), value added by production costs, capital investment, financial result (balance) before tax. The analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of enterprises in 2016-2020 showed that there is a general trend for the study period: by 2019 there was an improvement in indicators, and in 2020 – their decline. The main obstacles to the development of entrepreneurship in the globalization of the economy should be noted such as: first, limited financial resources of business entities (lack of adequate government lending, lack of government support, etc.); secondly, excessive tax burden, in particular the lack of a legally established mechanism for exemption from taxes and mandatory payments for newly created small businesses, etc. It is established that an important prerequisite for the development of entrepreneurship in the globalization of the economy is the need for scientific and technical, innovation, investment, marketing processes, as well as the focus of entrepreneurship on international cooperation: import, export, franchising, foreign investment.


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How to Cite
Lagodiienko, V., Bogdanov, O., & Popkova, S. (2022). ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE ECONOMY GLOBALIZATION. Economic Scope, (178), 60-64. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/178-10