Keywords: economic security, management, capital optimization, equipment modernization, information, risks


Means that help to achieve economic efficiency and enable the generation of profits in the planned amount, act as a guarantor of maintaining a stable market position of the enterprise in the market are a set of methods, tools and algorithms to ensure its economic security. It is established that the economic security of the enterprise is a reflection of the relationship and interdependence of the degree of its economic development and the degree of economic freedom, where economic development means the level of efficiency of potential components, and the degree of economic freedom - harmonization of interests with other economic entities. The article proves that there is no single universal tool for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise, because it is individual and depends on the goals, scale of activities, resource provision of the enterprise and so on. It is established that along with the generally accepted tools for economic security of the enterprise, which provide a number of risk management methods, financial and technical protection of the enterprise in modern conditions should also use differentiated tools used on the basis of comprehensive analysis of internal and external environment. The analysis is the basis for optimizing the capital of the enterprise, making decisions on modernization of production, staff development or replacement of management style and methods, readjustment of information flows of the enterprise and more. It is noted that each company needs to have a set of effective protocols (algorithms) in the field of protection against risks, threats and dangers of economic imbalance in order to ensure the appropriate level of its economic security, including: constant monitoring of internal and external environment; risk assessment of risks; formation of a bank of models for overcoming risks and evaluating their effectiveness; constant improvement of the system of economic security of the enterprise. A number of operational measures have been identified, the implementation of which will enable the company to take action to ensure its economic security, the main of which are: updating the technical, technological and production base of the company, staff training; formation of an effective business model of the enterprise; reengineering the business processes of the existing business model of the enterprise in case of cessation of generating stable profits, etc.


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How to Cite
Tkachuk, H. (2022). TOOLS FOR ENSURING THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (178), 55-59.