Keywords: management, enterprise, innovative project, costs, economic efficiency, energy saving


The article substantiates and develops practical recommendations for the research and implementation of an innovative project at the enterprise. The essence of the innovative project is the achievement of specific strategic goals of this company or group of persons engaged in the implementation of the relevant project through the implementation of certain innovations in conditions that create certain restrictions, which include the period of project implementation, human, as well as financial resources. In particular, measures to improve the implementation of innovative projects of the enterprise are presented. The problem of the effectiveness of the development and implementation of an innovative project is the need to study the approaches, methods and features of the project implementation. In the process of researching the implementation of an innovative energy saving project, the company's activities were applied: methods of analysis and comparison, financial and economic (for the study of the state of economic, economic and innovation activities) and graphic (for the visual presentation of the results of the study) analyses of the enterprise. To obtain analytical information, the data of statistical reporting and internal reporting of the Private Enterprise "Scientific and Production Private Enterprise "Sparring-Vista Center" were used. The trends in the development of the main indicators of activity are investigated, innovative projects are evaluated and alternatives to the introduction of innovative energy saving projects into the activities of the Private Enterprise are proposed. The development and implementation of an innovative project in the system of innovative management is based on the process of making management decisions that will ensure its success and economic efficiency. The work has developed practical recommendations for the research and implementation of measures to improve the management of energy efficiency of the enterprise. The system of management of innovative projects is presented of the Private Enterprise "Scientific and Production Private Enterprise "Sparring-Vista Center". The dynamics of electricity costs is analyzed and presented and the processes of development and implementation of the energy saving strategy as a tool for managing the energy efficiency of the enterprise are proposed, which takes into account the conditions and features of the functioning of its energy supply systems and allows solving key problems of efficient use of energy resources in the long term. The main types of energy-saving measures that take into account the mechanism of implementation of energy consumption technologies and affect the choice of energy saving strategy at the enterprise are identified. Attention is focused on the formation of the sequence of development of the implementation program energy management systems at the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Gnylianska , L., & Doroshenko , V. (2022). MEASURES TO IMPROVE MANAGEMENT ENERGY EFFICIENCY ON PE "RPPE "SPARING-VIST CENTER". Economic Scope, (178), 38-45.