Keywords: tourism, tourism industry, tourism product (service), tourism market, domestic tourism, tourism crisis, quaran-tine restrictions, and prospects of the industry, trends


Tourism is a multifaceted socio-economic and cultural phenomenon of the early XXI century. Experience shows that the development of tourism creates the necessary conditions for increasing the level of mobility and employment of the population, promotes stable economic growth, rational use of cultural and natural heritage sites. The current situation in the tourism sector requires an active search for ways to overcome the crisis of intensifying the production of tourism products with the necessary quality. The aim of the study is to analyze trends in the tourism sector of Ukraine and the world due to the crisis, the study of new opportunities for transformation of the tourism market in accordance with new global requirements and operating conditions. For the last 2 years, the tourism industry, during the pandemic and long quarantine measures, is like most businesses in crisis. It lost many businesses that failed to survive in the market, which was about 25%, and the remaining businesses must adapt to new working conditions, with quarantine requirements and new needs of service consumers. In view of this, in today's conditions the newest directions of tourist business which in modern conditions will provide all complex of services, with an additional spectrum of service and observance of conditions of safe rest become actual. Numerous studies show that the latest trends in tourism development on an international scale are: Workcations – a combination of work, study, and leisure; solo tourism; online tour; Leisure – a combination of business travel and leisure; mini-trips – weekend trips; domestic tourism; Wellness – tourism of a healthy way of life, etc. It is substantiated that considering national traditions and mentality perspective directions of development of tourism sphere of Ukraine soon should be considered - domestic, rural (green), gastronomic and historical-cultural types of tourism and, accordingly, innovative tourist products and services created on their basis. For the tourism business to quickly adapt to the normal state, it is necessary to introduce innovative types of tourism that will attract more people to the tourism business and generate additional income by introducing new offers, new tours, visiting special cities and a range of best quality services. accelerated introduction of online forms and digital tools in the provision of tourist services, etc.


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How to Cite
Krupitsa, I., Yevtushok, O., & Kyrychuk, V. (2022). WORLD TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS TOURISM IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (178), 24-30.