Keywords: motifs, behavior, portrait of buyer, housing market, trends


The article is devoted to the study of basic motives, needs and requirements that consumers are guided when choosing real estate. Although the World Pandemic does not end, the real estate market demonstrates positive dynamics. This manifests itself not only in sales growth, but also in the formation of market demand, where the main influence has the decision of buyers. The need for a temporary or permanent accommodation is an important condition for ensuring the appropriate level of human life. Housing in present conditions has become the best investment, and apparently, the only reliable possibility for preserving funds. Therefore, for the effective development of the real estate market, it is necessary to take into account not only the state, situation or trends, but also the main changes and expectations of potential housing buyers, which made it possible to build their own behavior. This made it possible to formulate and summarize portrait of potential housing buyers. Since the real estate market has a large number of objects that are presented to many classes and segments, but this does not mean that all consumers will satisfy existing offers. It is also important to distinguish basic motivational factors that affect the choice of housing. This will provide demand in the real estate market by focusing on the expectation and need of buyers. After all, they are not only an instrument for harmonizing the interests of all actors in this market, but also acts as a regulatory mechanism. An analysis of basic changes in behavior in the portrait of potential clients in buying real estate has been able to establish that the Ukrainian buyer of housing has become more cautious and demanding. Therefore, this study enables the main subjects of this market - developers, developers, capture as the largest share of the target audience as buyers and provide high interest sales through the construction of such housing, which will be in demand. And for the effective development of the real estate market it is important to constantly update basic information on changing goals, motives and interests of consumers. So, a portrait of a potential buyer whose main purpose is to acquire housing in property, allows you to balance demand and proposal and simulate a further scenario and trends in the development of the real estate market.


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How to Cite
Bodnaruk, I., & Perovych, L. (2022). TYPICAL PORTRAIT OF HOMEOWNER IN REAL ESTATE MARKET. Economic Scope, (178), 12-16. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/178-2