Keywords: brand, branding, globalization, international marketing, export


The article examines the feasibility of brand globalization in the modern environment of international marketing. Success in competition in foreign markets depends not only on the quality and price of products, but also on the use of marketing tools, among which a special place is occupied by branding technologies. For export-oriented companies, branding is one of the main elements of market activity. It was found that the brand is one of the significant non-price means of competitiveness management in the international market. As a result of the impact of globalization, the value of brands is growing, there is a need to create new and expand them into new product markets. It creates additional competitive advantages of the international company – the owner of the brand – in the field of product, pricing, distribution and communication policy. The main prerequisites for the success of brands at the global level are: unique marketing tools; brand functional features; flexibility of the company's actions; modern communication strategy; taking into account the cultural features of the country and its state symbols. A comparative assessment of the value of the most successful global and domestic brands. It is noted that the company's marketing decisions are important for the success of the brand. The issue of domestic brands entering the global market is quite relevant, because to increase the level of competitiveness at the global level, export-oriented business must operate under its own brand. It is established that the main problems for Ukrainian business on the world market are the following: non-acceptance of Ukrainian brands by foreign consumers; unpreparedness of some brands for certification and standardization; lack of support for brands at the consumer level, because the support of the product is carried out only to the level of distributors; lack of effective support for exporters at the state level. To overcome these problems, domestic companies should use such tools to adapt to global development trends as the constant introduction of innovative technologies in production processes, focus on social issues, strengthening consumer interests, transforming the values of the organization to increase internal and external competition.


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How to Cite
Reshetnikova , O., Danylenko , V., & Diadyk , T. (2022). EXPEDIENCY OF BRAND GLOBALIZATION FORMATION IN THE MODERN INTERNATIONAL MARKETING ENVIRONMENT . Economic Scope, (178), 7-11. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/178-1