• Yu. Chyrkova Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • N. Petryshyn Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • M. Bortnikova Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • O. Khomik Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: optimization, tax burden, processing operations, tolling, foreign economic operations, business entity


The essence of the “tax optimization” concept has been specified in the article and its difference from the category of “tax payments minimization” has been presented. The legislative and regulatory framework for the taxation of foreign economic operations and legal ways to reduce its level have been analyzed. It has been proved that in modern conditions, tax optimization is considered to reduce the size of the tax obligation by deliberate legitimate actions of the taxpayer, providing for the possibility of full use of all legally regulated benefits, tax exemptions and other legal advantages. It is this feature that distinguishes the optimization of tax payments from their minimization, which is most often realized through the use of methods of concealing income from tax authorities, and the submission of inaccurate accounting and tax reporting. The features of reducing the tax burden on business entities that are active participants in exportimport operations have been summarized. The role of processing tolling operations in the field of tax optimization of business entities engaged in foreign economic activity has been clarified. The experience of the Visegrad group countries, valuable for domestic enterprises in the direction of processing operations implementation for tax optimization purposes, has been studied. The features of taxation and customs clearance of tolling raw materials and products made from it are analyzed. A comparative characteristic of the customs regimes of export and processing in the customs territory of Ukraine in the context of taxation has been presented. The dynamics of foreign trade in processing services in Ukraine by their key types is overviewed. The advantages of concluding a contract for the processing of foreign counterparty tolling raw materials are substantiated. It has been proved that this method of tax optimization is equally effective for both processing enterprises and owners of raw materials, because operations from commissioned materials give a positive tax effect in the presence of general favorable conditions and taking into account real business processes at the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Chyrkova, Y., Petryshyn, N., Bortnikova, M., & Khomik, O. (2019). OPTIMIZATION OF TAX BURDEN ON DOMESTIC ENTERPRISES ON THE BASIS OF IMPLEMENTING FOREIGN ECONOMIC OPERATIONS IN THE REGIME OF PROCESSING. Economic Scope, (145), 84-103. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/105