Keywords: , ESG factors, ICMA standards


The article is devoted to the study of the main current trends of green investment, as well as to substantiate the prospects for development in the context of the globalization of the "green" movement. It was revealed that the key global trends are the creation and successful operation of specialized sectors of "green" bonds on world exchanges and their labeling to attract non-global investors to the market. The article identifies the main sectors for the use of "green" bonds, namely renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, pollution prevention, clean transport, water resources and wastewater management, adaptation to climate change. The author argues that the promotion of "green" projects and the development of responsible investment markets are the most important factors in the world economy, so the implementation of environmental reforms at the state level should be associated with the development of "green" financing instruments. The article identifies global drivers that necessitate the formation of an adequate institutional environment for the current realities for the development of "green" funding; systematizes the world experience of "green" investment and identifies effective tools for financing "green" projects. The author notes that it is important to overcome political, methodological, regulatory and economic contradictions in the formation of common rules of "green" development between developed and developing countries. It is determined that further development of "green" financing is impossible without systematic, planned and coordinated institutional design of a multilevel system of different financial instruments, taking into account the characteristics of different types of investors, their incentives to implement "green" projects and potential implementation effects. The standardization of approaches and methodological principles that allow to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental projects, the development of practical goals in the field of a wide range of "green" financial products are identified as promising areas of further research.


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How to Cite
Zinchenko, O. (2022). WORLD TRENDS OF "GREEN" INVESTMENT. Economic Scope, (177), 31-34.