Keywords: sustainable development, economy, strategy, concept, development management


The concept of sustainable development is a priority modern global trend aimed at solving the problem of harmonization of development. Limited natural resources and the threatening state of the environment against the background of ever-increasing needs of the population have led to the threat of environmental catastrophe and the issue of human survival. The purpose of the study is to determine the essence of sustainable development as well as generalization and systematization of the main areas of research in the context of sustainable development of Ukraine. Numerous scientific works of Ukrainian scientists are devoted to the issue of sustainable development, in which the fundamental principles, perspectives and possibilities of realization of this concept have been determined. The analysis of the existing approaches to definition of essence of sustainable development has been carried out. The main aspects of foreign and domestic documents in the context of the concept of sustainable development from its inception until today have been analyzed, which confirms the importance and priority of this concept, aimed at solving the problem of harmonization of development. The emergence of the concept of sustainable development has caused changes in the understanding of the priorities of further development and highlighted the need to transition from quantitative increase (growth) to qualitative change (development). The main directions of research in the context of the concept of sustainable development by domestic and foreign scientists have been considered, as well as various aspects and results of research on sustainable development of Ukraine have been analyzed. Given that development is an uneven process, largely driven by today's global challenges and limited resources, it is important to keep in mind that certain changes can lead not only to positive but also to negative consequences in case if they run counter to laws of nature and society, the needs and interests of people. It has been determined that the understanding of the essence of sustainable development as a modern global trend as well as generalization and systematization of the main areas of research on this issue, enable effective management of sustainable development of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Razumova, H. (2022). RESEARCH OF THE PHENOMENON OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (177), 14-19.