Keywords: content analysis, mass-media, big data, parsing, sentiment analysis


In the conditions of modern information society, the analysis of the flow of media information is of particular importance. Therefore, the issues of content analysis, which is based on the conversion of qualitative data into digital format in order to obtain information processing capabilities using technologies of big-data analytics and artificial intelligence approaches, are especially relevant. This study summarized the views on the use of content analysis and proposed a methodology for analyzing the content of electronic media for targeting and determining preferences for the content of publications. For this purpose, were proposed were proposed a conceptual scheme for conducting content analysis, which consists of 5 stages. The first stage consists of creating and updating a full-text database on a daily basis by automated data collection and retrieval of content from media websites (web scraping). The second stage involves using of modules for determining useful content (parsing) and its subsequent storage in the database. The quantitative analysis stage is especially important when generalization, aggregation of results, or to calculate the frequency of words (frequency analysis), categories, tags and expressions, as well as their joint use in the text. The purpose of qualitative analysis is to reduce the material so that the main content remains. Similarly, qualitative analysis can provide additional information about individual components of the text (terms, definitions) in order to improve understanding, explanation, and interpretation of a particular passage. Finally, the last stage is to analyze the tone of the texts (sentiment analysis), i.e. to determine the emotional (positive or negative) attitude of the authors of the test to the described event, person or phenomenon. Authors (or users who leave comments) actively use various means in order to create the desired picture of an event in the reader’s imagination, and to evoke the appropriate emotions. The proposed methodology is the basis for the implementation of modern tools of content analysis using information technologies and methods artificial intelligence approaches.


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How to Cite
Akhmedov, R., Bezkorovainyi, V., & Danylchenko, T. (2021). METHODOLOGY OF ANALYSIS OF THE CONTENT OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA. Economic Scope, (176), 141-145.