• I. Karpa International University of Economics and Humanities named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk
Keywords: financing, internally displaced persons, social efficiency, affordable housing, dependency principle


The article is devoted to the theoretical and empirical aspects of the financial support for the residential real estate market development and the implementation of the practical recommendations in the context of the maxim of social justice realization to meet the needs of internally displaced persons in Ukraine. The priorities of residential real estate financing have been considered, taking into account the social value of housing and the legal basis of its property. The expediency of investment processes state regulation in the residential real estate market and formation of transparent relations of real estate ownership have been substantiated, since real estate investment is characterized by high multiplier effect and reduction of social tension in society. A systematic approach to the study of financial support for the development of the residential real estate market is the methodological basis of the article. Empirical studies make it possible to diagnose groups of regions according to the ratio of specific gravity by total gross floor area and population and the rating of Ukrainian regions by total floor area per thousand permanent residents. It has been determined that the state housing policy in the part of housing financing for internally displaced persons is the state's actions regarding targeted financing and provision of housing for persons who have left their place of residence due to war, natural disasters and internal conflicts. Emphasis has been placed on the appropriateness of taking into account the age of the displaced persons and the types of housing offered to them (social or affordable) when choosing mechanisms for financing the housing of internally displaced persons. When implementing the new «Smart Cities» doctrine and the regional development program «Innovation economy and investment» to improve the living situation and raise the quality of life standards, it has been proposed to prioritize the creation of a Project and financial center for the financial awareness of internally displaced persons in developing targeted regional programs. Residential real estate development should be accompanied by the priority development of related socio-economic spheres and territories.


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How to Cite
Karpa, I. (2019). HOUSING FINANCE FOR INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS: AVAILABILITY AND OPPORTUNITIES. Economic Scope, (145), 69-83. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/104