Keywords: professional motivation, professional orientation, professional development, regulatory and motivational function of motivation


The ability of the enterprise’s personnel is to make effort to achieve organizational goals due to desire to meet a particular individual need and it is a major factor in determining the characteristics and functions of motivation for professional activity. Effective professional motivation of personnel involves the creation of favorable conditions and incentives that encourage personnel to work with greater dedication and interest in the result. Professional orientation of personnel as a leading personality trait is characterized by the motivational attitude of the individual to choose a profession in accordance with the vocation and ideals, worldview and interests. Motivational component is a characteristic that provides the level of professional orientation of the individual. The correlation of motivational and cognitive components of the subject of labor is due to its social attitudes, professional orientation and individual-typological characteristics significantly affects the professional development of the individual. Professional orientation is an integral education and characterized by the subject of professional orientation, which is the desired profession (activity); types of motives for professional activity; strength (level) of orientation, which is manifested in the desire to master the profession; satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their profession. Professional development has the following stages: the formation of professional intentions and conscious choice of profession; acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, active “entry” into the profession; full realization of personality in work. Going through these stages is designed to provide future professionals with overcoming difficulties and overcoming crisis situations. The study of the motivational sphere of personality is the main problem of management psychology. Thus, favorable working conditions, communication and organization of interpersonal relationships form a positive motivation and contribute to the professional and personal growth of the individual.


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Pochtovyuk, A., Semenikhina, V., & Komsomolskyi, M. (2021). FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS OF PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION MODERN ENTERPRISE’S PERSONNEL. Economic Scope, (176), 120-123. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/176-21