• A. Sierikov Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • I. Koval Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: intrapreneurship, creative industries, modern Ukrainian repertory theater, innovation, entrepreneurship


The place and role of intrapreneurship in the life of the modern Ukrainian repertory theater which faces an important legislative task of “being embedded” in creative industries has been identified in the paper. The essence of theatrical intrapreneurship through indicating the differences between an ordinary performer, an entrepreneur, and an intrapreneur has been defined. The last two should be innovative. It has been pointed out that the main difference between the two types of theater innovators – the entrepreneur and the intrapreneur – is determined by their professional environment. The intrapreneur is to act within an existing theater and should, in a certain way, legitimize his or her initiatives before the management that provides them with resources. The entrepreneur acts in the theater’s external environment solely at his/her discretion, risking their own money. In the theater, intrapreneurship allows to synthesize entrepreneurship, innovative behavior, and advanced technologies of creative and production activity of an individual with financial and marketing opportunities, and channels for distribution of theatrical content which the repertory theater possesses and which is a source of competitive advantages in the market of theater products. It has also been determined that intrapreneurship is a source of the so-called entrepreneurial method of theater management which is based on the initiatives of performers’, and not just on administration. Under these conditions, the theater can be called ‘intrapreneurial’. It is capable of developing at a pace that exceeds the industry’s average, which gives it high competitiveness on the way to ‘creative industrialization’. Intraprenuers can be regarded as potential “revenue centers” of the repertory theater. For this reason, the theater as a whole may be interested in creating a system for identifying employees with capacity for intrapreneurship, with their further training and career advancement. The result of such actions may lead to emergence of a new structural unit within the theater, staffed with the most initiative workers, a recognized center of cash income and the “adjuster” of all the innovation intrapreneurial work in the theater company. The natural support for such a center on behalf of the entire theater staff can be both formal and informal. One of the main tasks of theater intrapreneurship should be development of mechanisms that will allow the managers of repertory theaters to keep the best professionals by creating proper conditions for satisfying their wishes and needs. Thus, all the above can be seen as a necessary precondition for the industrial scale of activity of the modern Ukrainian repertory theaters in a market-oriented society.


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