Keywords: marketing, consumer, risk, online shopping, online market


The aim of this paper is to develop scientific-theoretical approaches to separate types of marketing risks that consumers perceive in online purchases, with the purpose of identification and neutralization of risk situations in the process of consumer decision making during purchase of goods on the online market. With the steady growth of online sales and the growth of global online sales through Covid-19, the role of consumer risk in buying food on the online market is growing. Consumer risk has a significant impact on the behavior of consumers who focus on avoiding potential losses and this online shopping risk differs from the risks that are present when buying offline goods. The article considers the approaches of scientists to identification of components of consumer risk and loss as a result of risk. The concept of consumer risk is defined and the consumer risk is actually perceived in the online purchase of food products in order to develop a theoretical basis for the theory of marketing risk management. The authors determined that consumer risk of online food purchase is a subjective probability of financial loss, time loss, loss of personal information, social status, deterioration of physical or mental health of the consumer as a result of online shopping, which did not meet consumer expectations and significantly reduced his loyalty to the place of online purchase of products. The types of consumer risks are distinguished: functional, financial, physical, temporal, psychological, social, service. It is determined that the functional (operational risk) is connected with the use of the purchased online goods for the purpose, financial risk is connected with financial losses due to the online purchase, physical risk is connected with the possibility of health damage due to consumption of the goods of poor quality, time risk is connected with loss of time, psychological risk connected with internal consumer dissatisfaction, social risk is connected with negative reaction of others to online purchase of goods, service risk is connected with process of service of online purchase of goods. For each component of consumer risk, the nature of the risk, the factors causing the risk and the possible negative consequences of the risk are determined. Identification of consumer risks will allow developing a methodology for their assessment and measures to neutralize consumer risks. Reducing consumer risks will allow food producers and online retailers to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, which will facilitate further growth of online sales.


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How to Cite
Kapinus, L., & Boiko, I. (2021). TYPES OF MARKETING CONSUMER RISKS WHEN BUYING FOODSTUFFS ON THE ONLINE MARKET. Economic Scope, (176), 65-70. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/176-10