Keywords: production program, control system, plan reliability, elasticity, maneuverability


The most successful countries in the world are developing different branches of industry, one of the most important being engineering. Their experience proves that, in a highly competitive environment, the quality of the business planning process of enterprises is an essential condition for their sustainability and economic growth. In order to increase competitiveness and profitability of domestic enterprises of machine-building industry it is necessary to implement modern management methods based on economic and mathematical modeling and information and computer technologies together with modernization and technical re-equipment of plants.In order to obtain a production program (plan) with set parameters, the development process must be systematic, reasonable, effective. The plan must contain a set of managed parameters, where multiple values can be selected. External and internal conditions often change during the implementation of the plan, so it is important to ensure the variation of nomenclature and production volumes within certain limits, without reducing profitability. It is therefore urgent to improve the planning system at work. It is necessary to ensure the variability of the characteristics of the system in a given direction and to increase the reliability of the production program of the enterprise.The article proposes an economic and mathematical model reflecting the dependence of quantitative parameters (indicators) on the influence of main factors. The simulation of several variants of the plan was performed and the optimum according to the profitability criterion was selected. The optimum structure of the plan’s nomenclature positions has been developed for one of the production units of the machine-building enterprise in Poltava. The analysis of the obtained results confirmed the reliability of the production program. It has the ability to manage the production of certain types of products in the absence of one or underdeliver of several resources while maintaining the basic rate of return.Consequently, the use of economic-mathematical models will allow to improve the system of management of output volumes. This will make it possible to adjust production plans quickly to changes in the level of one or more resources. Thus, improvement of the system of management of reliability of production program of the enterprise will create conditions for improvement of quality of management, increase of competitiveness and ensure financial stability of machine building enterprises.


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