Keywords: digital economy, information economy, consumer economy, social networks, sharing, digitalization, business processes


The article is devoted to the research of theoretical aspects of digital economy and informatization in general, its features, problems and development trends. The article considers digital economy as a new stage in the development of market economy. The article investigates the need to transform the economy into a digital format in terms of digitalization. The essence of the terms “digital economy”, “digitalization”, “informatization” is described, it is determined that digitalization is a modern stage of informatization, differs in the use of digital technologies for generating, processing, transmitting, storing and visualizing information. The paper analyzes the need for economic transition from traditional to digital format in the context of global informatization. It is substantiated that the latest digital technologies penetrate into all spheres of economic life of society, thus influencing the economy and its essence and forming structural changes in it. As a result the formation of the digital economy as a subsystem of the traditional economy and the complete opposite of standards. Digital economy is characterized by a fairly active use of digital technologies and the turnover of specific electronic goods. The characteristic special trends of the digital economy are studied and generalized. The content of digitalization is revealed. It is established that the introduction of the digital economy in Ukraine at the initial stage. It is argued that the digital age is changing the approach to doing business, as well as the requirements for the information technology used. It is concluded that digital development is characterized by revolutionary changes, and the most important result of digitalization in modern conditions is the automation of services. People regularly work from different offices, their home, or a local coffee shop since the pandemic has pushed remote working to the fore. The 2019 pandemic has certainly fast tracked this transition in some respects, at least in the short term, but has also highlighted the need for organizations to adopt a more open minded approach to longer term digital enablement of the workforce.


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How to Cite
Stupniker, H., Kashyrnikova, I., & Levchynskyi, D. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL ECONOMY FORMATION. Economic Scope, (175), 83-86.