• Olga Boiko Odessa National Economic University
  • Liudmyla Geiko Southern Scientific Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Keywords: oil and fat industry, oilseeds, oil market, oil exports, forecast, production capacity, technical condition of enterprises, operating activities, profitability


The article considers the current state and trends of the oil and fat industry enterprises of Ukraine. The peculiarities of the industry were determined, among which, first of all, the high level of concentration of production. More than half of the industry's production capacity is accounted for by large industrial groups and their share in the total production volume is constantly increasing. The industry is characterized by the use of resource-saving technologies, a high level of competition, export orientation of enterprises. The reasons that attract investors to invest in the creation of new oil production enterprises in Ukraine were investigated. The dynamics of the volume of oilseed processing by Ukrainian oil processing enterprises by types of oilseeds for the period 2013–2019 was calculated and a forecast of the total volume of oilseed processing for 2021 was built. Verification of the calculated forecast showed that an increase in oilseed processing should be expected. A mathematical method of trend equalization was used to smooth the effect of fluctuations. The trend was aligned by a linear equation. An analysis of the oil products market was conducted. The problems faced by oil companies in the current conditions of high competition in the market of oil products were studied. The shortage of oil raw materials and, as a consequence, the low level of capacity utilization, unsatisfactory technical condition of enterprises and problems of quality of final products are identified as the main ones. Diagnosis of the rate of renewal of the active part of fixed assets in the oil and fat industry has shown that it is low and the share of worn-out equipment exceeds 70%. Some equipment has been in operation for more than 20 years. The financial results of 34 enterprises of the oil and fat industry were investigated. The margin between the maximum level of profitability and unprofitability of operating activities exceeds 120 percentage points. The reasons for this have been clarified. the directions of possible improvement of financial results of activity of the investigated enterprises were outlined. In general, the study concludes that to maintain Ukraine's leading position in the world oil market requires improvement of organizational, economic, technical, technological, informational and innovative support of enterprises in the industry, as well as a significant improvement in oil quality and compliance with European and world standards.


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How to Cite
Boiko, O., & Geiko, L. (2020). CURRENT STATE OF OIL AND FAT INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES OF UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (157), 32-37.